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Pop Pop is trying to teach me some math algorithms. We go over algorithms for rounding, algorithms for division and multiplication. I don't like it but I am getting better at it.

Two Digit Multiplication

If you wish to see the algorithm for two digit multiplication, use the slider to select the two numbers for multplication and press start.

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Round to Nearest 10

Sometimes we have the need to round to the nearest ten. In other words, round to 0, 10, 20, 30, ... or some multiple of 10. If you wish to see the algorithm for rounding to the nearest 10, use the slider to select the number to be rounded and press start.

Round to Nearest 100

Sometimes we have the need to round to the nearest hundred. In other words, round to 0, 100, 200, 300, ... or some multiple of 100. If you wish to see the algorithm for rounding to the nearest 100, use the slider to select the number to be rounded and press start.

Multiplication Concept

When you form groups that each contain an equal number of items, you can apply a multiplication principle:

    total # items = (# groups) X (#items/group)

To see this principle applied, set the number of groups and items per group below and press the start button

Number Systems

Keeping track of small numbers of items with tally marks was sufficient for individuals and small groups. As societies grew however, trade became more complex, requiring the development of more sophisticated number systems.

Hindu-Arabic numerals, that represent numbers in the decimal number system. They originated in India in the 6th or 7th century and were introduced to Europe through the writings of Middle Eastern mathematicians, about the 12th century.

Press the start button below to see how number systems could spur economic growth by providing the basis for efficient recording and calculation of quantities.